Understanding Vibrator Materials
Vibrators are made with a large range of materials, some are harder whilst others are softer. It is important to consider which type of material you would like your Vibrator to be made out of. Follow this guide to begin understanding vibrator materials and find which one suits you best.
Pure Silicone
Silicone has made uses in everyday life but did you know that Pure Silicone is one of the best materials that a sex toy can ever be made out of. Pure Silicone is made with medical-grade material that is hypoallergenic, non-porous, long lasting, has no scent, has no taste and can naturally adapt to your body temperature.
Silicone is well known for the way it disperses the vibrations through the material for an incredible pleasurable experience. Silicone is available in many different colours and designs. When using a Vibrator made with silicone it is recommended not to use a Silicone-Based Personal Lubricant as it can degrade the material, you should use a Water-Based Personal Lubricant.
CyberSkin is a material which provides a realistic appearance and feel. Products which are made from CyberSkin are usually realistic men’s maturbators like Fleshlights and Dildos. Although most CyberSkin material is both phthalate and latex free, it is quite porous. Due to the higher levels of porosity they must be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use. It is recommended to use anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner after each use.
To maintain the realistic feel of CyberSkin it needs to be sprinkled with renewing powder which will make it feel soft and like new. Like silicone, sex toys made from CyberSkin cannot be used with Silicone-Based Personal Lubricants but are compatible with Water-Based Personal Lubricants. When purchasing a sex toy made from CyberSkin you will need to double check what it is made from just in case it is not made from body safe materials.
Other Realistic Feeling Materials
There is a large range of silicone mixes which create realistic looking and feeling materials. Since they can be made with a mix of ingredients like latex, you will need to be careful of what it is made of as they can be made with of something which is not body safe or something which you may be allergic to.
Though due to the type of material they are porous in nature which means they are harder to take care of when compared with other types of materials, it will need to be cleaned before and after each use. If you are planning on using a product which is made with this type of material it is recommended to use a barrier between you and the product like a condom.
This is a type of material which is affordable, phthalate free and latex free. Elastomer is porous in nature and should be thoroughly cleaned before and after each use.
Thermoplastic Rubber Or Elastomer
Thermoplastic Rubber or Elastomer is also known as TPR/TPE is a material which is phthalate free and latex free. Products made with this material are usually more affordable in price since it is considered to be cheaper to make.
Jelly was one of the first materials which sex toys were mass produced with, this is because it was incredibly affordable to make products with. Vibrators which are made with Jelly are not recommended to be used since they are made with material which contains phthalates which are used to make the sex toy clear, flexible and soft. Phthlates however are toxic to the body, they are incredibly porous which can trap bacteria in the pores of the material and there are some mixes which contain latex that some people are allergic to.
Vibrators which are made from tempered glass is made with medical grade material which is safe to use. Glass Vibrators can be used with all types of Personal Lubricants and can be easily cleaned as they are non-porous in nature but you will need to be careful if your Vibrator is not waterproof. The texture which Glass Vibrators have can add to the level of stimulation that the sex toy provides. If you are planning on purchasing a Glass Vibrator you will need to ensure that there are no breaks, scratches or marks on the material. When shopping for a sex toy made from glass it is best to buy from a trusted online Vibrator Shop.

Acrylic is a material which is non-porous which means it is extremely easy to clean. It can also be used with any type of lubricant. Do not use alcohol based products on materials made with Acrylic as they can deteriorate the material.
Stainless Steel
Vibrators which are made with stainless steel are normally made with medical grade materials which are body safe and non-toxic. They are highly polished which gives it a stylish and shiny appearance. They are usually made with hollow interiors which make the sex toy extremely light to carry and use. Stainless Steel is extremely easy to clean. To find out more information read a guide on how surgical stainless steel is made.
Hard Plastic (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene – ABS)
Hard Plastic is an inexpensive material that is non-porous is nature which makes it extremely easy to clean. It can be used with any kind of Personal Lubricant.
Additional Products You May Need To Purchase
When purchasing a Vibrator you will need to consider how you wish to take care of it and how to store it. Here are some other ideas and products which you should think about purchasing if you would like your Vibrator to work for you as a long term investment.
Antibacterial Sex Toy Cleaner
If you buy a product which is porous in nature you will need to consider buying anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner so that you can thoroughly clean any residue or harmful bacteria that may remain on the sex toy after use. If you buy a product like anti-bacterial sex toy cleaner which is specifically made to thoroughly clean your Vibrator you can rest assured that you have efficiently cleaned it so that the next time you go to use it, you don’t have to think about whether you have taken care of it properly.
Personal Lubricant
The best type of personal lubricant to be used with a sex toy is water-based lubricant. Water-based lubricant will not damage sex toys which are made with silicone or material that has that realistic look and feel.
Storage Pouches
Some of the cheaper sex toys that are made with lower quality materials are more susceptible to damage than luxury sex toys which are made with higher quality materials. When you go to use your sex toy, you will need to check it for damage or product manufacturing faults. For example, if you use a wooden sex toy which is chipped, it is likely that it will scratch you.
When you are making your purchase most high quality Vibrators come with a free satin or silk storage pouch. Storing them in these pouches ensures that your Vibrator does not rub against other items which prevents it from being scratched or dented.
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