Sex Toys Expert

Lelo Loki Wave

Gentlemen’s Prostate Vibrator

So Lelo have really outdone themselves this time. Not only have they released some luxury pleasure toys for women, but they have finally released not one, not two but three incredibly amazing male massagers in the latest product release from Lelo. They truly are pleasing male’s prostates across the world with the latest news. I was lucky enough to receive one of the three, and my special toy was the Loki Wave. Now I understand that someone else will have reviewed the Lelo Loki, however it makes sense to go over some of the designs and features because I’m sure that they’re going to like different things than me and therefore comment on different aspects, so in the interest of fairness and well roundedness I’m going to rehash the design and give you my honest review of the Lelo Loki Wave.

Lelo Loki Wave

The Loki wave is almost identical to its brother, with the exception of two distinct differences. The Loki wave has a perineal arm as well as an additional motor that sits in the arm to provide perineal vibrations to the user. When I first looked at this toy, I was eager. It’s a lot more filling than some other prostate massagers out there and the 4.5 inch circumference almost made my mouth water. I could understand that this toy might not be for beginners, but I certainly wouldn’t recommend forking out this much of money for a first time prostate massager to begin with.


Why Choose the Loki Wave?

The shaft of the Loki Wave is around 4 inches in length and if you’re wondering if that’s a bit short then I will remind you that the Loki Wave is a prostate massager and not a vibrator for size queens. You’re not here for the length, what you’re here for is the strength of the vibrator and the come hither motion that is provided by the WaveMotion technology. If you’re a little confused by what this bit is, then it’s a motion shaft which will create come hither motion for increased pressure and stimulation to the prostate. Not only will you have vibrations on the prostate, but you’re also going to have vibrations on the perineum as well as a massaging motion that is being applied to the prostate at the same time with the technologically advanced come hither motion. The Loki Wave has 5 wave settings and 5 vibration settings that can be used with this toy. It is also completely waterproof and the handle has been covered in a thin layer of silicone for extra grip and stability. The buttons have actually been build into the handle so that there’s no raised panels, buttons or anything of the sort. It’s simple, to the point and elegant.

Once lubed up it’s fairly easy to insert, and then turn on. The buttons with the silicone feel quite good and easy to use and I even had some residual lubricant on my hands as well.  I started off on the lower settings with all three modes of stimulation happening at once, and I’ll say straight up I was a bit overwhelmed. There was a lot happening, and I needed a few minutes to process what was actually going on. The two motors were providing some low rumbling sensations that were both inside on my prostate and vibrating outside against my balls. It felt nice, strong and rumbly – but I wanted more. What was interesting was the sensation of the waving arm. Slowly going back and forth. I sat there enjoying the sensations for a number of minutes before ramping up the pressure and the speed. Yet, I still wanted more. I found the highest setting that the Lelo Loki could provide and I was satisfied, but there was just a touch more that I wanted. I wanted the arm to go faster, I wanted the vibrations to blow me to pieces and I was almost there, but just missing the final crux but a pinch. This was going to be a toy that was going to frustrate me to orgasm, get me there slowly and teasingly as opposed to pushing me over the edge and let me fall down into the water below. It was nice, it was amazing, but I am an impatient guy and I just wanted more. This is not to say that I did not find the Loki Wave to be awful, quite the contrary, It’s an amazing toy. But I do have others with that over the top power that I would reach for first. If I was in for a long afternoon of fun and pleasure then I would certainly lean back and let the Loki wave bring me to wave after wave of climax. But again, I am impatient.

I loved having the second motor there, and it meant that I was feeling intense and incredible amounts of pleasure quite quickly. It will take some getting used to. Men aren’t necessarily used to having multiple points of pleasure at the same time, so you will need some time to digest the pleasure, identify the pleasure and then just roll with it. . . .

Buy Now Lelo Loki Wave

Lelo Loki Wave Prostate Vibrator

Buy Lelo Products

The Lelo Loki Wave is a three point stimulator male vibrator that provides intense stimulation through not only two rumbling vibrating motors, but through a massaging arm that gently strokes the prostate. Who said that men can’t partake in luxurious waves of pleasure? Lelo certainly didn’t.